
Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31, London flight to Chicago was horrible. We hit the storm on the way there so there was a lot of turbulence. O'Hare is ridiculously huge and I got lost for awhile. Flying to London wasn't too bad! The plane made me feel sick for awhile but sleeping helped a lot!

The people I met on the plane were so nice! There was a group of young nurses who were headed to Zambia, Africa for ten days. The other woman next to me was acting like she was my grandmother, I didn't mind though. It was comforting to have someone there looking out for me. So far I love the people from London! 

I sadly can't leave the airport like I thought I would be able to! I was planning on going to Windsor Castle but it is a hassle to leave the airport and come back. 

I'll be leaving for Cape Town around 19:00 and will be arriving tomorrow morning around 8. I can't wait to get there! This will be my last post for the day so Bon voyage! 



Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28, 2 days until departure...

In two days I'll be leaving the United States and on my way to Cape Town, South Africa. For the next two months I will be living with several other students from UK and working with the NGO, Inyathelo. On one of my other pages you can go to the organization’s site, and you can also see their vision, mission, and values.  Along with working for the NGO, I will be going to the wine lands, to Robbin Island, and I have also planned some excursions with some of the people I’m going with (possibly a safari, riding elephants, and going to Cape Point). I am extremely excited for this experience but am also going to miss so many things.
What I'm going to miss: my family, friends, boyfriend, the weather, great medical care, clean water, my favorite TV shows use of my phone whenever I please, my bed, and the amazing food.

What I’m looking forward to: the beautiful nature, the animals, the wine, all of the amazing people I am going to meet, the excursions I am going to go on,  different food, unique culture,  the friends I’m going to make, the life lessons I’m going to learn, the night life, and much, much more!
I cannot wait to share all of my experiences with my readers. I am going to try and post each day, but cannot guarantee that I will have the time. I'll post pictures as well so everyone can see all of the beauty that I get to see and the adventures I am going to have. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog while I'm away. I'll miss you all!

P.S. - I’ll be in London on Friday and have a long layover. I’m planning on doing some sight-seeing while I’m there, so look out for my next post about my day in London.

