
Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31, London flight to Chicago was horrible. We hit the storm on the way there so there was a lot of turbulence. O'Hare is ridiculously huge and I got lost for awhile. Flying to London wasn't too bad! The plane made me feel sick for awhile but sleeping helped a lot!

The people I met on the plane were so nice! There was a group of young nurses who were headed to Zambia, Africa for ten days. The other woman next to me was acting like she was my grandmother, I didn't mind though. It was comforting to have someone there looking out for me. So far I love the people from London! 

I sadly can't leave the airport like I thought I would be able to! I was planning on going to Windsor Castle but it is a hassle to leave the airport and come back. 

I'll be leaving for Cape Town around 19:00 and will be arriving tomorrow morning around 8. I can't wait to get there! This will be my last post for the day so Bon voyage! 



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