
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 14, Saartjie Baartman and Girl's Night

Friday finally rolled around and I was lucky enough to go to one of the other NGOs for the day. I decided to join Allison and Jenny for the day at Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children. The day was already starting out good when I was able to go into work a little later than I normally do. When we got to the center we went into one of the rooms and I was able to meet some of the other interns that are working with Jenny and Allison. After realizing that we had nothing to do for the rest of the day, we decided to eat our leftover Chinese from the night before and watch Despicable Me with some of the boys. The boys were so cute and lovable but I was slightly afraid after hearing the stories Jenny had told me about getting peed on and the other intern getting pooped on (ew). Most of the staff was leaving early, so they told us we could leave around 12:30. It was nice to have a shortened day, and being at the center was a good experience. Our driver picked us up from work and decided to take the three of us to the University area. We went to this little cafe for lunch (even Jenny and I already ate) and smoothies. The smoothie that I got was super delicious and hydrating. We were fortunate enough to meet our driver's daughter who is a year younger than I am. She was super nice and the coolest thing about her is that she is going to school to be an opera singer. I've never heard of anyone doing anything like that before. She told us girls that she would take us out one night and show us a good time. I'm definitely holding her to that!

Later that evening we (the girls) decided we wanted to go do something, but we didn't really know what since it isn't too safe for women to be out at night without any men. We thought we could just walk to Station Road in Obs (Observatory) and get some dinner at Pancho's. We got all dressed up and did our hair and makeup. I did all of the other girls' makeup too, which was a lot of fun. We walked to Pancho's and all of the restaurants on the way looked empty so I was worried Pancho's would be too. I was completely wrong! It was absolutely packed and they actually have two seating times for Fridays so we only had about an hour to eat, which was plenty of enough time for me since I was starving.

We first ordered some strawberry margaritas. They were delicious and not too strong either which was perfect for me since I don't really ever drink. I've never seen anyone use sugar instead of salt around the rim of the glass though, so that was something new for me. We also ordered some chips and salsa (they don't bring them out for free like they do at the Mexican restaurants back home). We discovered that all of the food in the restaurant is homemade and the chips and salsa were so good, so I had high expectations for the main course. I went simple and ordered the D.I.Y. tacos. I made a GREAT decision. They gave me shredded beef which was soaked in some type of barbecue sauce and provided me with two salsas, avo as the call it (guacamole), sour cream, and all of the other expected toppings for tacos. I'm so happy I made the decision to get that and we have decided that we are going to have girls' night on Thursdays at Pancho's for the rest of the time we are here.



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