
Friday, June 21, 2013

June 15-16, Fish Hoek and Long Street

Saturday we decided to sleep in and get a late start. Boyd made us girls breakfast: cheesy eggs, sausage, and toast. It was great to have breakfast made, because I don't even eat a breakfast like that at college. It made me really miss my family because they always make the BEST breakfast. We then decided that we were going to go to Fish Hoek for the day. We thought the best way to get there would be the train because a taxi would be too expensive. When we went to the train station, which is not even a ten minute walk from our house, I was expecting to pay around R100 for a return ticket. We got return tickets for R24 each, that's about $2.40. SO CHEAP! I honestly was shocked and decided I was going to be taking the train everywhere from now on. We got on the train and it looked almost like the rapids in Cleveland, but not as many seats. It was an interesting experience and I loved being able to see all of the different areas that the train passed. As we started to get closer to Fish Hoek the train began riding right along the coast. The view was absolutely spectacular and the beaches were beautiful!!! The sand was perfectly white and the water was so blue. There were a lot of people out surfing since it was such a nice day.

Jenny and I on the train

As we arrived in Fish Hoek we got off the train and headed for the beach. My first time seeing the Indian Ocean was perfect. The water was so blue, the sand was white, and the mountains with houses up the side was the cherry on top. It was everything I imagined it to be and more. The water of course was cold, but not nearly as cold as I expected it to be. We walked around and looked for shells, and watched snails wiggle their way into the sand. After hanging out at the beach for awhile we walked to one of the oceanfront restaurants and sat outside to eat. I just got something simple to eat that day (chicken sandwich) since I wasn't feeling too adventurous. We then decided that we were going to walk to Boyd's family friends' house. He told us that it was quite a walk, but I honestly was excited for it since I haven't exercised much. It ended up taking us quite a long time to walk their, but it was worth it. The Hudsons were so sweet and welcoming to us all and provided us with biscuits and tea. We talked about our adventures so far and what we were still looking forward to doing. After a long day, Erin Hudson and her boyfriend drove us back to the train station and we made our way home.


Sunday, we woke up and once again Boyd decided to make us all breakfast, but with Jenny's help. The pancakes were huge and absolutely delicious. After breakfast we relaxed for awhile and then did pilates, since Allison is an instructor. Chris and Matt finallly arrived home from their weekend on Table Mountain. After they freshened up and everyone got ready, we all went down to Long Street. We made the mistake of going on a Sunday, and forgot that everything was closed (also because Youth Day was Monday so most people took Sunday off as well). We went into the few shops that were open and I got a beautiful scarf. We then decided to get dinner and found a restaurant called The Diplomatic Bar and Restaurant. This time I chose to be adventurous. I got boerewor (sausage soaked in a warm tomato salsa) for an appetizer and lamb curry for dinner. The lamb curry was not the best of choice. I'm not really a lamb person, but I figured I would try it since it's popular in South Africa. The day was somewhat wasted, but we learned a valuable lesson: don't go shopping on Sundays.



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