
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 8, Imhoff Farm

I'm sorry that I've been a little delayed with my blog posts. It's been hard to find time to write. The past few days have been crazy, so I'm now finally getting time to relax and just write about the past weekend. Thank you for being patient with me.

Saturday morning we all woke up and were struggling to decide what we were going to do. We knew there was so much we wanted to see but the weather was crappy and most of the things we wanted to do were outside. I made a list of all of the things I wanted to do before I leave and chose one off the list for Saturday. I decided on Imhoff Farm, which is a tiny area with little unique shops and restaurants that overlooked the moutains and ocean in the distance. There were some animals there and a lot of dirt so I guess that's why it's called a farm. We called the taxi to take us out there and on our way we had some beautiful views. There was one road that went up the side of the mountain. For the first time I honestly felt like I was going to have a panick attack as we climbed the mountain. It literally looked like we were going to go over the edge, and it was a straight drop to the bottom. I knew that I've always been afraid of heights, but this was the first time that I honestly felt very scared (maybe it was because I wasn't driving). After we got into the mountains we turned around a big curve and out of no where a pretty little rainbow popped up over a town. It was picturesque to say the least. The rainbow was right in between two mountains over a small city with the ocean in the background. It almost sounds unreal, but trust me it was as real as it gets.

If you look closely in the center, you can see the rainbow.

We finally reached Imhoff Farm. When we got there it was exactly what I expected. All of the stores were really unique and had a lot of local made products. I don't want to say too much about the stores though, because I got some things for my family there and I want them to be surprised. I did go into their main store though and bought myself some hot sauce. It's called "Black Mamba" and it comes from Swaziland. It sounded pretty interesting to me. For those of you who don't know me as well, I have a huge obsession with hot sauce and I've been finding some really cool kinds all over the place. (To my better expect me to come home with a lot of it.) We went to dinner at this little restaurant called Blue Water Cafe. I got a pizza that had chorizo, pepperdews, peppers, and asparagus on it. For the millionth time, it was delicious! I feel like I'm getting repetetive when it comes to the food, but honestly I can't stop talking about how good it is.

After the farm we went home for a semi-relaxing night. It was a good, fun-filled day to say the least, but we needed to go to bed early for our busy Sunday that we had ahead of us.



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